• Certification body MSQcert s.r.o. is impartial and independent of other companies; all activities are carried out by qualified workers.
  • The management of the certification body for management systems certification, the company MSQcert s.r.o, is responsible for the conduction and the course of the certification process while having the right to individual decision-making.
  • We undertake to implement, maintain, and constantly improve the management system and its effectiveness in the sense of accreditation requirements.
  • We undertake to secure the confidentiality of information about the client attained during certification activities.
  • The remuneration of employees performing the certification activities is independent of the number of conducted audits or the results of individual audits.
  • Employees of the certification body are familiar with the Quality manual, as well as lower-level documentation necessary to ensure the activity and operation of the certification body.
  • The management of the company of the certification body creates and guarantees conditions for the activity of the certification body via the securement of technical, personal, material, organizational and financial conditions in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015, ISO/IEC  17021-2 and ISO/IEC 17021-3 legal and legislative requirements.
  • We maintain impartiality and independence of the certification body via developed strategy and policy, the decision-making process of certification, and the evaluation/assessment itself.
  • The employees of the certification body are not exposed to any pressure that could negatively affect their decision-making process in the certification process of the client and, as a result, undermine the confidence in their competency and impartiality.